Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Effects Of Industrial Revolution On Society - 1989 Words
The industrial revolution introduced new ideas and revelations for the technology we enjoy today. During the years between 1750 and 1914 people began to discover more innovative ways of producing goods, which in turn boosted their economy. The British and French had similar ideas about the industrial path, but due to the French Revolution, France had other issues to contend with whereas Britain continued to industrialise. The industrial Revolution certainly boosted the economy; however, the social effects on the population have to be considered. This essay will firstly look at the history of the industrial revolution and then discuss and explain the effects of industrial revolution on society, Including Economic factors Political factors, Cultural Factors and social factors. The European Industrial Revolution was a time of change. English merchants saw the transformation from skilled workers using hand tools and handmade products and the ability to mass produce goods quicker by machine. Factories quickly replaced the cottage industries and paved the way for future industrialisation of cities. The way in which factories and cities grew, meant that changes in transportation, labour, and working conditions had to be made. These changes drastically changed workers lives, even if to begin with the negatives outweighed the positives. Before the industrial revolution, Britain’s economy relied on its cottage industry. Labours bought raw materials to take back to their cottages,Show MoreRelatedThe Effects of the Industrial Revolution on Society Essay770 Words  | 4 PagesFrank Garrido THE EFFECTS OF THE NDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION ON SOCIETY The Industrial Revolution changed the ways by how the world produced its goods. It was the era when the use of power-driven machines was developed. It also changed our societies from a mainly agricultural society to one in which industry and manufacturing was in control. This had many effects on people’s lives. The Industrial Revolution first got its start in Great Britain, during the 18th century. It was inevitable thatRead MoreEffects Of The Industrial Revolution On European Societies906 Words  | 4 PagesThe Industrial Revolution caused great change in the ways European countries produced goods. The Revolution encompassed the years 1750 through 1850, and generated many innovations and ideas that have changed European service industries forever. The effects of the Industrial Revolution caused a dramatic change in the way European societies functioned. These changes in society caused by the Industrial Revolution initiated an unprecedented growth rate of the European middle class, which led to a sharpRead MoreImpact Of The Industrial Revolution On Capitalism And The Contemporary Society Essay1625 Words  | 7 PagesThe impact of the Industrial Revolution on Capitalism and the Contemporary Society, When looking into the past during the Industrial Revolution, there were many cause and effect events that occurred, the Industrial Revolution changed the lives of many, these changes in society were caused by the innovations of the time period, and the need for a more productive environment. There was a movement from an agricultural society to a manufacturing society; these changes affected the family’s abilityRead MoreThe Positives And Cons Of The Industrial Revolution835 Words  | 4 PagesIs the Industrial Revolution as Good as We Think It Is? Bill Gates once said, â€Å"If you go back to 1800, everybody was poor. I mean everybody. The Industrial Revolution kicked in, and a lot of countries benefited, but by no means everyone.†The Industrial Revolution was a period in the 18th century led by Great Britain that had a major influence in agriculture, scientific studies, manufacturing, and transportation. As said by Bill Gates, even though the Industrial Revolution benefited many partiesRead MoreIndustrial Revolution : Impact On Society1092 Words  | 5 PagesIndustrial Revolution: Impact on Society Chernyka Love HIST112 Professor Adam Howard American Military University 15 March 2015 The Industrial Revolution is a term used to describe a period characterized by a transition from old to new processes of manufacturing. This period occurred during the 18th and 19th century. The transition was seen to include movement from primitive hand production to the same type of production using faster more efficient means by use of machines. The era also featuredRead MorePositive and Negative Effects of Industrial Revolution Essay1043 Words  | 5 PagesPositive and Negative Effects of Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution began in England in the late 1700’s. The Industrial Revolution was a time of new inventions, products, and methods of work. The results of the Industrial Revolution led to many short and long-term positive and negative effects. These results have been assessed from many viewpoints such as the factory workers, the factory owners, the government, and other people who observed the conditions in industrial cities. One negativeRead MoreThe Industrial Revolution And The Effects On Women s Rights1569 Words  | 7 PagesThe Industrial Revolution and the Effects on Women s Rights The Industrial Revolution was one of the most important and productive periods of history. The Industrial Revolution has to do with the time between the late 18th century and mid-19th century where there were profound advances in production, manufacturing, and other fields of engineering. It began in Great Britain in the late 1700s which then spread to the United States and then to many other parts of the world. Societies were very ruralRead MoreEffects of the Industrial Revolution727 Words  | 3 PagesThe Industrial Revolution, lasting between the 18th and 19th century, profoundly affected the people of Europe, North America, and other regions of the world. The revolution produced new exciting technological innovations. As a result, the socioeconomic climate and cultural aspects of Europe and North America were altered in an unprecedented manner. Industrial opportunities also lured the population away from agrarian lifestyles to more urban populaces. The Industrial Revolution e xtensively changedRead MoreThe Impact of The British Revolution on Society Essay example546 Words  | 3 PagesThe British revolution had a great impact on the society. Various complicated machines tools were used in the production and rural-agricultural and commercial society to a progressive rural- industrial society, this period of time old ideas mere modified, not swept away and gradually new ideas took place. This thing helped Britain changing their city life, social class structure, the power of the British nation amongst rest of the world, the production of machinery, and the strength of the economyRead MoreThe Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Western Society1367 Words  | 6 PagesThe Industrial Revolution had a significant impact on Western society and the effects were numerous and mainly positive. The Industrial Revolution began in England in the 1790’s and spread throughout Europe and eventually to America. The extensive effects of the Industrial Revolution influenced almost every aspect of daily life and human society in some way. During this time period, widespread transportation such as railroads became available and important for the movement of goods and people. Also
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Communism And The Soviet Union - 979 Words
The United State’s was not subtle in their distain for communism and the Soviet Union; they fanned the ideological flames between capitalism and communism rather than putting them out. Directly after the war the US created the Marshall Plan, where they gave $13 billion to European states. In President Truman’s speech ‘The Truman Doctrine’ he talks about Greece and Turkey and threatens if aid is not given, Greece’s democracy will be under threat by armed men supported by communists. This was a strategic ploy to prevent communism, by allowing capitalism to flourish. Full-employment leaves people happy, and accepting of capitalism and less likely to turn to radical communism. However the Soviet Union was not impressed with this because they believed that capitalism was the root of fascism, and their allied states declined the funding. Both Truman and Churchill claimed that the Soviet Union was totalitarian, and that they cannot be trusted. Churchill in his ‘Iron Curtain’ speech claims that if a Communist, or a neo-Fascist state were able to obtain an atomic bomb, the West would be very concerned. Churchill lumps communism and fascism together, while the Soviet’s see fascism as the enemy. In addition, Truman accuses the Soviet Union, and by extension, Stalin of forcing their oppressive regime onto the people of Eastern Europe and breaking the Yalta agreement in Poland. While there is a lack on consensus among the historgraphy on the start date of the Cold War, there is aShow MoreRelatedCommunism And The Soviet Union1782 Words  | 8 PagesAfter World War II, the Soviet Union wanted to create more communist nations, especially along their western border, to prevent themselves from being vulnerable to attack from the West again as they had been from Nazi Germany. Countries like the United States and Great Britain did not want the Soviet Union to spread communism but some Eastern European countries that had been victims of the Nazi regime saw communism as a good way to prevent another fascist regime from rising. Combined with the factRead MoreCommunism And The Soviet Union Essay1672 Words  | 7 Pageseastern bloc popularly known as the United Socialist Soviet of Russia (USSR) and the western bloc dominated by United States and European countries. Now the Soviet Union supported socialist economic ideology and was prepared to ensure that the soci alist countries remained socialist-by all means. On the other hand, United States and allies were for capitalism and were determined to spread it as far as possible. They detest socialism and communism because it was against building of business empiresRead MoreCommunism And The Soviet Union1853 Words  | 8 PagesOn December 26, 1991, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was officially dissolved. While the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 was a sign that the Cold War was soon to be over, the breakup of the Soviet Union truly symbolised its end. After a bitter era of global fighting between capitalism and communism, each led by the United States and the USSR respectively, it appeared that, for better or for worse, capitalism had prevailed. Today, it looks like this indeed was the case. The People’s RepublicRead MoreCommunism And The Soviet Union1314 Words  | 6 PagesCommunism in Eastern Europe was an ideology that took hold of the region for more than forty years. E ach state fell into the Soviet sphere of influence after the end of World War II, and from then on until 1989, communism was the absolute norm for all of Eastern Europe. Though communism was the only form of government found in the region, each state was unique in how it carried out its policies as some were more lenient than others. As time progressed through the Communist Era, there were changesRead MoreCommunism And The Soviet Union1681 Words  | 7 Pagesaverage case of the hiccups, these hiccups were called communism. Following the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, most post-Soviet satellite states began making the transition to become liberal democracies. However, the transition from communist governments to democratic governments was not necessarily a smooth one for most of the Eastern European countries. Decades of oppressive Soviet rule and deep-rooted communist parties made ties to the Soviet Union especially hard to cut. Ukraine, in particular,Read MoreCommunism And The Soviet Union2261 Words  | 10 Pagestyrannical and bloodthirsty dictator who led the Soviet Union, wanted to spread Communist rule through Eastern Europe, China, and Korea, which the United States opposed. The world split between democratic countries backed by America and Communist countries supported by the Soviet Union, and birthed a conflict called the â€Å"Cold War,†because, as opposed to a â€Å"hot†war, there were no direct military confrontations between the main enemies. Stalin and the Soviet Uni on’s plan of world control caused AmericansRead MoreThe Fall Of Communism And The Soviet Union Essay2058 Words  | 9 PagesPrior to Putin’s 2001 State of the Nation address, Russia was dealing with the overwhelming effects of economic and political reform. The fall of Communism and the Soviet Union left Russia in a fragile state. When Putin references â€Å"the period of disintegration of the Statehood†he is referring to the lack of stability and legitimacy in Russia’s era of reformation in the 1990s that threatened the very existence of the nation. The sources and indicators of this disintegration can be found through anRead MoreCommunism And Marxist Ideologies And The Soviet Union912 Words  | 4 Pages After World War II the Soviet Union led by Stalin maintained a strong presence and influence in Central and Eastern Europe, specifically, Poland through the communist Polish United Workers’ Party (PZPR). In this paper I aim to address the reason why communism and Marxist ideologies were unsuccessfully received in post war Poland. I will be arguing *that Marxism was made into a tool of oppression by the Soviet Union, and therefore became illegitimate in itself. I intend on arguing this theory byRead MoreCommunism in the Soviet Union and Why It Failed1561 Words  | 7 PagesCommunism in the Soviet Union and Why it Failed Communism is defined as a system of political and economic organization in which property is owned by the community and all citizens share in the enjoyment of the common wealth, more or less according to their need. In 1917 the rise of power in the Marxist-inspired Bolsheviks in Russia along with the consolidation of power by Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin, the word communism came to mean a totalitarian system controlled by a single politicalRead MoreThe Soviet Union Responsible For The Consolidation Of Communism1776 Words  | 8 PagesESSAY PLAN To what extent was the Soviet Union responsible for the consolidation of communism in Eastern Europe in the period 1945-1953? Introduction During the aftermath of World War II, the Soviet Union was primarily responsible for the consolidation of communism in Eastern Europe. †¢ It was in the spring of 1948 that the Soviet Union had aggressively pushed for the imposition of Communist rule in most East European nations o Eastern Europe under Communist rule was comprised of Czechoslovakia
Monday, December 9, 2019
Sales Management Telconter Company
Question: Discuss about theSales Managementfor Telconter Company. Answer: Introduction The company is a leading manufacturer of software and services. It has come into a new venture of providing real time based solutions. For this, the company requires to design a page background. The project gives the important point which needs to be considered while making page background and the requirement of sales team. The technical information to be mentioned in the page are as: the selling function which comprises of order takers, order creators, order getters. The technical information need to be provided to client, this should be treated as an ongoing process. Page Background To aware the market regarding product, and to increase the company sales, the company requires to design its page. The page is a form of digital content; it works like advertising for the company in low cost. The page of the company should depict about the management of the company which includes its internal management. Hence it is said that, for effective marketing of the company products, the page background provides a right kind of experience especially in case of a new venture. Besides this the page should also depicts about the technical information. The company has secured $US23.5 million from an association of several companies as led by Ford motor company (Smith). Type of Salesperson The following are the types of sales person to be appointed by Teleconter to increase the sales. Analyzing the Market Customer By analyzing the company objective, it can be said that the sales person should have the quality of gathering the number of consumers which are in need of such services. For this, the sales man must be requiring a lot of knowledge regarding its customer base (Sales selector). Influencing Quality The sales man in case of a software company must perceive quality of making the client to purchase the product. This can be done by making him understand the positive aspect of the new software and negative aspect of the old software. The sales persons must perceive the knowledge regarding the software and detailed knowledge regarding the company products (Zimmerman Blythe, 2013). Emotions Oriented Sales Person The salesman of the company must perceive a quality of influencing the customer. This can be done by applying emotional as well as aggressive strategies by the managers. In the case of emotional sales person, he/she must have a quality of making an emotional match between the needs and wants of the customer and the product features. Here the emotional attachment can be seen as a social status, or a distinctive quality the software is providing. By aggressive strategy the sales man can be understood as the individual who has a main focus on increasing the sales, for that he adopts aggressive strategies like providing discounts, offers, free products, some after sales services (Philips, 2013). Conclusion The company must design its background page to provide the brief information regarding the company dealings or venture. The page background must be designed in such a way that it depicts the technical information of the company product. The sales person are the one on which the burden of company goodwill lies. This is so, because he is only one who comes in a direct contact with the customer. Hence he must perceive the quality of influencer, analyzer, emotional and aggressive. However, there are other types of salesperson in the company. The report has discussed some of the major sales person related to marketing management. References Philips,T,. (2013) The 4 types of salespeople- and how to pick the one that is right for your company. Retrieved on 22md February, 2017 from Sales selector,. (n.d.) The 18 selling styles. Retrieved on 22nd February, 2017 from Smith, T, M,. (n.d.) Team paper: Sales management practice. Retrieved on 20th February, 2017 from Zimmerman, A Blythe, J,. (2013) Business to business marketing management: A global perspective. Routledge, New York
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Inspector to dominate the audience Essay Example
Inspector to dominate the audience Essay Each character is punished in an appropriate way. Birling fears for his familys reputation at the inquest; Sheila feels shame for her selfishness; Gerald has his affair revealed in front of Sheila; Mrs Birling has her illusions about the respectability of her family shattered by Eric; and Eric is revealed before his indulgent parents as a spoilt and inadequate young man. In each case, however the punishment is a consequence of their own behaviour; the Inspector himself does not bring punishment from outside. This may be why they are given a second chance at the end of the play that their experience should have been a warning to them, and that next time, it is the prediction in the Inspectors final speech that lies in store for them and for the audience: Fire, blood and anguish. Priestleys audience would have the benefit of hindsight and would know of the years to follow. This heightens the mystery surrounding the inspector. He represents the future, and is the Birlings chance of repentance, but only Eric and Sheila actually realise this. They must decide whether to change or not Sheila and Eric, being young and still impressionable, do, realising the mistakes of the previous generations. The Birlings and Gerald, being set in their ways and having a distrustful short-sighted disposition, do not. We will write a custom essay sample on Inspector to dominate the audience specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Inspector to dominate the audience specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Inspector to dominate the audience specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Throughout the play the Inspector demonstrates how people are responsible for how they affect the lives of others; his views are summed up in his dramatic final speech: that we are members of one body. We are responsible for each other. Responsibility is one of the plays key themes, and the Inspector is Priestleys vehicle for putting across his own views of this as a socialist. In this final speech, he is speaking as much to the audience as to the characters on stage. His words here are a warning to future generations not to repeat the selfish mistakes that led to the fire and blood and anguish of two World Wars and the depression of capitalism in the years between them. The Inspector is the medium for the events of the play: without his intervention, none of the characters secrets would have been revealed. Mr Birling could not see that he did anything wrong in sacking a troublemaker; Sheila thought her rather spiteful jealousy of a pretty shop-assistant was not anything very terrible at the time; Gerald needed to conceal his involvement with the girl to protect his own interests; Mrs Birling is too cold ever to have known what the girl was feeling, whilst the effect seems lost on her; and Eric had resorted to theft, which he also needed to conceal. Without the Inspectors purposefulness, each character could not or would not have acknowledged their behaviour. Priestley is trying to rouse the audience into taking a long, hard, critical look at themselves, money and power are supposed to be a privilege not a weapon to make yourself look big. He is saying that there should be more equality and we shouldnt take our lifestyles for granted. We should also take responsibility for our actions or we could end up in an awful situation, just as the Birlings and Gerald did when they received the phone call at the end of the play to say an inspector was on his way round. Priestley is trying to convert people by using this play as a socialist piece of propaganda only showing the necessary parts of the story to create the desired effect. Priestley wants the Inspector to dominate the audience. At the time the drama was conceived World War II had scarred society and European minds. The play was a moralistic mystery that made the audience think. The Inspector himself is used as a dramatic device in that the play gives you time to change your actions towards others, that is before An Inspector calls on you, to teach you in blood and fire and in anguish.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
What is the Destiny of the Aff essays
What is the Destiny of the Aff essays What Is The Destiny of The Affirmative Action Program? Affirmative Action has long been proposed to be a solution to the injustices that were done to minorities years ago. Originating over thirty years ago in 1964, it allowed minorities easier access to jobs and education that were normally saved for only mostly white Americans. The Affirmative Action program is defined as a series of procedures, steps, programs, and policies designed to overcome the effects of past discrimination on present day minority members (Encyclopedia Americana 241). It has now been many decades since the programs induction into society, and it has made radical changes in the way minorities are treated. We are now living in a more equal society than ever before, but we still have affirmative action. Some people are tired of the program, arguing that it has run its course. Yet others think it is still needed and is still very much an important part of American society. Maybe there is a happy medium that can be met. So today we ask the question: What sho uld be done with the affirmative action program? Reform is the answer. This program has always been a very controversial issue, in the area that people are hearing several more complaints of reverse discrimination. Certain groups believe that the program has served its purpose and it is now time to move on. People are tired of hearing minorities telling their stories about how they are not being treated fairly, when the Affirmative Action program has already given them an advantage, in certain fields over the majority, by lowering required standards on tests and job qualifications. I have learned over the years about the affirmative action program. People are starting to believe that the program is giving the minorities an advantage that is unfair to the majority. Recently there have been many accusations of reverse discrimination. One example of this was in the court case, Adarand ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
How to Write a Compelling, Informative News Lede
How to Write a Compelling, Informative News Lede The lede is the first paragraph of any news story. It’s also the most important part. The lede must accomplish three things: Give readers the main points of the story;Get readers interested in reading the story;Accomplish both â€Å"a†and â€Å"b†in as few words as possible. Typically, editors want ledes to be no longer than 35 to 40 words. Why so short? Readers want their news delivered quickly. A short lede does just that. What Goes in the Lede? For news stories, journalists use the inverted pyramid format, which features the five â€Å"W’s and the H†– who, what, where, when, why and how. Who – who is the story about?What – what is the story about?Where – where did the event you’re writing about occur?When – when did it occur?Why – why did this happen?How – how did this happen? Example 1: Let’s say you’re writing a story about a man who was injured when he fell off a ladder. Here are your five W’s and H: Who – the manWhat – he fell off a ladder while paintingWhere – at his houseWhen – yesterdayWhy – the ladder was ricketyHow – the rickety ladder broke So your lede might go something like this: A man was injured yesterday after falling from a rickety ladder which collapsed as he was painting his home. This sums up the main points of the story in just 19 words, which is all you need for the lede. Example 2: Let’s say you’re writing a story about a house fire in which three people suffer smoke inhalation. Here are your five W’s and H: Who – three peopleWhat – they suffered smoke inhalation and were hospitalized after a house fireWhere – at the houseWhen – yesterdayWhy – a man fell asleep smoking in bedHow – the cigarette ignited the mans mattress Heres how this lede might go: Three people were hospitalized for smoke inhalation yesterday from a house fire officials say was ignited when a man in the home fell asleep while smoking in bed. This lede clocks in at 28 words a little longer than the last one, but still short and to the point. Example 3: Heres something a bit more complicated. This is a story about a hostage situation. Here are your five W’s and H: Who – six people, one gunmanWhat – the gunman held six people hostage in a restaurant for two hours before surrendering to policeWhere – at Billy Bobs Barbecue JointWhen – last nightWhy – the gunman tried robbing the restaurant but police arrived before he could escapeHow – he ordered the six people into the kitchen Heres how this lede might go: A failed robbery of Billy Bob’s Barbeque last evening resulted in six being held hostage as police surrounded the building. The suspect surrendered without incident following a two-hour standoff. This lede is 29 words, which isnt bad for a story that has a bit more complexity to it. Write Ledes on Your Own Here are some examples to try on your own. Who – Barrett Bradley, the president of Centerville CollegeWhat – he announced tuition will be raised 5 percentWhere – at a gathering in the colleges amphitheaterWhen – yesterdayWhy – enrollment is dropping and the college is facing a $3 million deficitHow – he will ask the colleges board of trustees to approve the tuition hikeWho – Melvin Washington, point guard for the Centerville High School basketball teamWhat – he scores a record 48 points to lead the team to the state championship over the rival team at Roosevelt High SchoolWhere – in the schools gymnasiumWhen – last nightWhy – Washington is a gifted athlete who observers say has an NBA career ahead of himHow – he is a remarkably precise shooter who excels at making 3-pointersWho – Centerville Mayor Ed JohnsonWhat – he holds a press conference announcing he has a drinking problem and is stepping down from his postWhere – in his office at City HallWhen – todayWhy – Johnson says he is entering rehab to deal with his alcoholismHow – he will step down and deputy mayor Helen Peterson will take over
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Red worm food preferences and the rate of consumption Research Proposal
Red worm food preferences and the rate of consumption - Research Proposal Example Most of these countries already started the recycling of their garbage. Many recycling plant were built for plastics, metals, and biodegradable waste but dumping of waste on landfills is still being practiced. The rate of recycling of biodegradable waste was the major difficulty for most of the landfills. The faster rate of waste input as compared to the waste degradation to the landfill pushed many governments to look for an alternative and faster way of decomposing organic waste products (Recycled Organics Unit 9). Decomposting is a process by which organic waste matter is buried or stood still to allow bacterial decomposition to occur. Bacterial decomposition of organic waste is naturally occurring in garbage landfill but the rate of it is slow. Other methods were used to allow faster decomposition of organic waste in garbage landfill. Using worms to increase the rate of conversion from organic waste to fine organic materials is known as vermicomposting (Munroe 1). The result of decomposting is the "compost" production. Compost is a fine, nutrient-enriched, soil-like materials from the decomposed organic waste. Composts are used as an organic fertilizer by farmers. The use of worms in decomposting, which is known as vermicomposting, would produce a vermicompost. Vermicompost is like compost and both are used as an organic fertilizer. Since the rate of production of vermicompost is faster than the compost, the use of vermicomposting in organic fertilizer production and organic waste management recycling is favored (Recycled Organics Unit 9). The increasing popularity of vermicomposting on both waste management and fertilizer production leads to the increasing demand of worms. The worm, specifically earthworms, culture is called vermiculture. Vermiculture is a process by which earthworms are nurtured and fed in a bin or other storage materials to increase their numbers. The number and reproduction rate of the worms should be enough to sustain a regular harvest (Munroe 1). Although vermicomposting uses earthworm, there are only some species of earthworm that could be used and readily available for vermiculture. There are three types of earthworm namely epigeic, endogeic, and anecic type. Epigeic type of earthworm thrives on the surface of the ground. This type of earthworm feeds on fine or decaying organic matter readily available on the ground. On the other hand, endogeic type of earthworm thrives in the ground. This type of earthworm makes and lives in a horizontal hole within the ground. Endogeic earthworm surfaces very seldomly because it already feeds on organic matter imparted within soil. Anecic type of earthworm makes and lives in vertical hole within the ground. The vertical burrow serves as their protection and passage to the surface of the ground to obtain food at night (Recycled Organics Unit 13). Epigeic type of earthworm is used mainly in vermicomposting but anecic type could also be used in addition to the epigeic. Although there many species of epigeic earthworm that can be found in decomposting and vermicomposting area, Eisenia fetida is the most commonly used species in vermicomposting particularly in temperate countries because the rate of organic matter utilization and reproduction is fast, the range of tolerance to chemical and physical
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Assault, Battery, and Crimes against Persons Term Paper
Assault, Battery, and Crimes against Persons - Term Paper Example There is no assault if the act does not produce a true fear of harm that is reasonable in the victim. The general rule of battery occurs when someone offensively touches another person and the touching does not necessarily have to inflict harm. The elements of battery are that an act with intent to cause harmful or offensive contact to the victim (Gardner & Anderson, 2012). The most important aspect that differentiates between assault and battery is the amount of contact. In assault cases, there is no physical harm to the victim, just threat from criminal to victim but in battery cases, there must be some physical contact between the criminal and victim. A person, who receives punishment for battery, is essentially guilty of assault as well but on the other hand; the assault crime has no charges of battery. Also, the purpose of assault is to threaten the victim while the purpose of battery is to cause to the victim actual physical harm (Molan, 2009). Both acts of assault and battery can be either be a criminal act or subject one to civil liability. Another similarity is found under common law where both acts are both Intentional torts. In both cases there are common defense to an assault or battery charge in all jurisdictions, these defenses are mutual consent where both parties agree to the situation, meaning that there was not a one-sided attack and the other defense is self-defense, defense of others, or defense of property. These are the most common defenses (Molan, 2009). The man’s actions should be considered as both an assault and battery because there were elements of both crimes in his actions. The attacker strikes (A) and rips her clothes this constitutes battery because there is actual physical contact that causes harm to the victim. Assault occurs when the attacker jumps from the alley and cause apprehension of harmful and offensive contact
Sunday, November 17, 2019
GM crops Essay Example for Free
GM crops Essay For thousands of years farmers have used a process of selection and cross breeding to improve the quality of our crops. The problem with GM crops is that there is little known about what effect they will have in 20 years’ time. The genetic structure of any living organism is complex and GM crop tests focus on short-term effects. Not all the effects of introducing a foreign gene into the intricate genetic structure of an organism are tested. Will the pests that a crop was created to resist eventually become resistant to this crop? GM crops may also pose a health risk to native animals that eat them. The animals may be poisoned by the built-in pesticides. Tests in the U. S. showed that 44% of caterpillars of the monarch butterfly died when fed large amounts of pollen from GM corn. Very little scientific information exists about the risk of GM food on human health. One major report by Dr. Arpad Pusztai, explains how GM foods could trigger new allergies and contain toxins that may be harmful. Another concern is disease. Since some crops are modified using the DNA from viruses and bacteria, will we see new diseases emerge? What about the GM crops that have antibiotic-resistant marker genes? Marker genes are used by scientists to determine whether their genetic modification of a plant was successful. Will these antibiotic-resistant genes be transferred to microorganisms that cause disease? We already have a problem with ineffective antibiotics. How can we develop new drugs to fight these new bugs? Then there is always the possibility that we may not be able to destroy GM crops once they spread into the environment. Proponents of GM crops claim that advantages may be many, such as: Improved storage and nutritional quality Pest and disease resistance Selective herbicide tolerance Tolerance of water, temperature and saline extremes Improved animal welfare Higher yields and quality Cross-pollination is a concern for both GM crops and conventional breeding, especially with the more serious weeds that are closely related to the crops. With careful management this may be avoided. They are an ever-increasing problem and genetic engineering promises to stop it. But will genes from GM plants spread to other plants, creating superweeds and superbugs we won’t be able to control? When looking at the environmental impacts of grass- and grain-fed beef, there is a 500% increase in greenhouse gas emissions for each pound of beef produced from grass-fed compared to grain-fed cattle. Uncontrolled nitrogen and phosphate release to the environment, 35% more water use, and 30% more land use for grass-fed cattle compared to grain-fed increases the environmental impact of strictly grass feeding. Cholesterol content does not differ between grass- or grain-fed beef. Today, there is an estimated two-thirds of all our products in supermarkets contain genetically engineered ingredients, including; tortilla chips, drink mixes, taco shells, veggie burgers, muffin mix, and baby formulas. But only one-third of Americans are aware that their food contain genetically engineered ingredients, despite the findings of surveys that 85 to 90% of consumers want clear labeling of all genetically engineered foods. Because labeling is not yet required by government regulations, nor practiced by biotech companies, there is absolutely no way for consumers to know what it is that they are eating. The public has not been educated of the inadequacy of genetically modified ingredients in their diets and the possible risks that these foods may entail. The credibility of these geneticists is also questionable because almost all established molecular geneticists have some industrial ties limiting what they can research on, particularly with regard to safety. There is no way of knowing the overall, long-term effects of genetically engineered foods on human health. This unpredictability appears to be causing the most controversy over genetically modified foods, as there is insufficient evidence and need for further research. The effect of the insertion on the biochemistry of the host organism is unknown. The effect of the genetically engineered organism on the environment is unknown. The effect of eating genetically engineered foods is unknown. There is no basis for meaningful risk assessment. There is no recovery plan in case of disaster. It is not even clear, who, if anyone will be legally liable for the negative consequences. There are no consequences among scientists on the safety or on the risks associated with genetic engineering in agriculture. The international community is deeply divided on the issue. In addition to these, genetically engineered foods may cause the removal of important food elements. For example, genetic engineers may intentionally remove or inactivate a substance they consider undesirable in a food, which may have unknown but crucial qualities, such as cancer-inhibiting abilities. Examples such as this are perhaps especially frightening because of the potential to find cures to some of the illnesses and diseases that have already laid claim to many lives. Failure to do further research in this case would be a shame, as it could lead to an elimination of possible breakthroughs in medicine and health. The current state of biotechnology must be fixed because every living organism is affected by it because everything is composed of genes. If the food being consumed contains products of genetic modification, the public is at risk to the unpredictable effects on their own physiology and biochemistry-effects that may not be reversible. Not only could this cause problems in their own lives presently, but it could also affect future generations, in ways that are unforeseen yet preventable. Moreover there is not enough understanding of the principles of genetic engineering to categorize those genetic modifications that may pose a risk and those that may not because genes appear to react in diverse ways when spliced with other genes. Genes are a part of an extremely complex and interconnected network and are constantly reacting to their environment. Further research must be enacted, and biotech companies and the government must do their moral/ethical duty to inform the public, because ultimately, they are the ones making the decisions.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Greek hero vs. The Anglo-Saxon hero :: Comparison Compare Contrast Essays
The Greek hero vs. The Anglo-Saxon hero The hero stands as an archetype of who we should be and who we wish to be. However, the hero has inherent flaws which we do not wish to strive towards. In literature, these flaws are not used as examples of what we should be but rather as examples of what not to be. This is especially dominant in the Greek hero. While the Greek hero follows his fate, making serious mistakes and having a fairly simple life, the Anglo-Saxon "super" hero tries, and may succeed, to change his fate, while dealing with a fairly complex life. The Greek hero is strong and mighty while his wit and intelligence are highly valued. In the Greek tragedy, the hero struggles to avoid many flaws. Among these flaws are ambition, foolishness, stubbornness, and hubris-the excessive component of pride. He must overcome his predestined fate-a task which is impossible. From the beginning of the tale, it is already clear that the hero will ultimately fail with the only way out being death. In Oedipus, the hero is already c onfronted with a load of information about his family and gouges his eyes out. At this point, when he tries to outwit his fate he has already lost and is sentenced to death. The Anglo-Saxon hero must also deal with his "fate" but tries, and usually succeeds, to change it. While the Greek hero battles his fate with his excessive pride and intelligence, the Anglo-Saxon hero tries to eliminate his doom by force. The Anglo-Saxon hero is considered a barbarian of sorts due to his sometimes unethical and immoral views and courses of action. At the end, the Anglo-Saxon succeeds in altering his fate though. The Greek hero is so normal, that the reader can relate to him. He is usually a "common" human being with no extraordinary life. His story seems believable, even possible. We would have no hard time imagining the hero's conflict as being ours. As in the case with Oedipus, we can understand how he feels it would be possible for his circumstances to be applied to our lives. Although the details may seem a little farfetched it is not impossible that there is some truth to the story. On the other hand, the Anglo-Saxon hero, being super-human, is especially difficult to relate to. The Anglo-Saxon may reach the same pedestal as a God.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The Power of Single Story
A Story Creates a Strong Power: Adichie and King’s Critiques of the Power of the Story, especially the Single Story Many stories matter to our lives and our ways of thinking. A story is the only way to activate part of our brain and then make the listeners turn the story into their own idea and experience (Widrich 4). As we know, our lives and our cultures are composed of many overlapping stories. When we are being told a story, things change dramatically. Once we have heard a story, we may always make it as our own knowledge.Then we would like to retell this story to others by verbal form, or turn it into a show or a movie. Every time we retell a story, we like to change some details into what we want or the way we understand. As a result, after the story has being retold a thousand times, the story may be changed into a different story. If we take in all the stories we have heard, then we might risk a misunderstanding adventure. Think about that: if our president gives a spe ech without any researches and just from others’ stories, then how would people think about him. His speech would just be a joke, and will lose credibility.Therefore, we need to be very careful about the story we heard and the story we are going to tell others, especially if it is a single story. In some cases, the dominant story often becomes a single story, which makes the story be curious and dangerous. Chimamanda Adichie and Thomas King both showed us the importance of the story and the danger of a single story. They showed that the single story makes the differences in people stand out. In Chimamanda Adichie’s Tedtalk, â€Å"The Danger of Single Story,†she begins by telling us a story about what she would think about reading a novel as a child.She would then write stories that were similar to the foreign stories she had read, which contained white skinned children with blue eyes who were nothing like her. Until she found African stories is when she realize d that people like her could be in stories (Adichie). Many times, we would feel the same way as Adichie felt. Stories have a power to set us in a dangerous opinion when we are talking about countries, nationalities, religions or any human group. If we hear or read stories about a part of the world, we would tend to perceive that part of the world as the stories describe the whole orld. For example, Chimamanda Adichie eloquently tells us if she had not grown up in Nigeria and if all she knew about Africa were from popular images, she too would think that Africa was a place of beautiful landscapes, beautiful animals, and incomprehensible people fighting senseless wars, dying of poverty and AIDS, unable to speak for themselves, and waiting to be saved by a kind, white foreigner (Adichie). However, how many of us hold the same definitions and images as Adichie’s story of Africa? Instead, many people continue to be fed the other side of those stories.Those stories describe Arica a s a continent that is full of poverty, disease and the constant fighting. Thus, those stories we receive make us feel certain emotions, like pity, toward the people that live in those places. As Adichie said that stories have been used to â€Å"dispossess and to malign but stories can also be used to empower and to humanize. Stories can break the dignity of the people, but stories can also repair that broken dignity†(Adichie). A story is endowed with a very story power. Adichie also warns that if we hear only a single story about another person or country, we risk a critical misunderstanding.She said that â€Å"the single story creates stereotypes, and the problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete. They make one story become the only story†(Adichie). When hearing a story, the invaluable lesson is that by only hearing a fraction of the truth (whether in the media, in school, or in popular culture), we are creating damaging misr epresentations. The reason is that â€Å"when we show people as one thing, as only one thing, over and over again and that is what they become†(Adichie). That is the consequence of the single story about a person, place, or issue.A single story is an incomplete description and it robs people of dignity and emphasizes how different people are. On the contrary, by engaging with all the stories of a person, place, or issue, the trap of a single story can be avoided. Adichie could have looked at the Mexican and the U. S. side of the immigration issue, so she would have balanced the stories and not fallen into the single story trap. Anything we have experienced, we can get others to experience the same. By simply telling as story, the world would plant ideas, thoughts and emotions into people’s mind.That is the reason why story is very powerful and we all need to be careful about every story. In the Truth about Stories, novelist Thomas King explored how stories identify wh o we are and how we understand and interact with other people. From personal experiences to creation stories, King illustrate how stories have shaped and continue to shape our societies, as well as our personal mythologies and therefore our choices in life. He begins with the story about the earth and how it floats in space on the back of a turtle.People was been told that the earth was on the back of a turtle and there were infinite turtles below that turtle (King 1). It is a single story for us, but it is also very powerful for us for the reason that we could never forget this story even though it is not reality for some people, while it is a belief for others. â€Å"The truth about stories is that that’s all we are†(King 2), no matter they are fairy tales or nonfiction. A true story shows us our true world; a fairy tale leaves us with the hope that we can create a better world.King’s mother, for example, was living in an era when women were not welcome in th e workforce. After her husband left their family alone, she had to be â€Å"visible†and self-supporting as a man. She worked very hard among a man’s world, but she was treated unfair. When she went to her supervisor for an answer on unequal treatment, she was told that if her work was good, she would get promoted at the end of the first year. Then she waited and waited for many years, and that year never came up. However she still believed that â€Å"the world as a good place where good deeds should beget good rewards†(King 4) was possible (King 2-4).It is the story that forced her how her life would be. It is also the story that she believed that gave her hope and energy to fight back the unfortunately life. The truth is that every story is endowed with power. As for King’s father, it was another different story. King never knew why his father left his family, but his brother told their family the truth that his father had another family in another pla ce. King would never forgive his father for deserting him and his family, so he told people that his father was dead.As King said, â€Å"a part of [him] had never been able to move past these stories, a part of [him] would be chained to these stories as long as [he lives]†(King 5-9). This story shows us how stories can control our lives and affect our minds. King was chained to this single story of his father and could not move from it. No matter what reasons or other stories he had been told later as to why his father left him, he would not heal his painful heart. Thomas King warns us that we have to be careful with the stories we tell, and we have to watch out for the stories that we are told. Stories are wondrous thing, and they are dangerous†(King 9). Another example, King compares two creation stories: one Native and one the Christian genesis story. The Native story is very animated and full of dialog. King described in detail how the first woman fell from the sk y and created the world by cooperating with other animals. It places us right in the thick of things. The Christian creation story was just told and sterner. However, this Bible creation story has in many ways become the single story. For example, other cultures like mine, we do not think the human was created by Adam and Eve.We believe in another story about how Pangu opened with body made heaven, earth, moon and stars, and how NuWa used soil and water to create man. Most western people do not know the Native creation story and other cultures’ stories, thus see others as less than the Bible story (King 10-22). â€Å"If we believe one story to be sacred, we must see the other as secular†(King 25). We would be less likely to doubt a story that is stranger to us because new things can always attract us and make us feel curious and interested.Nonetheless, we would not believe sometimes sine the stories we learnt before have already rooted in our mind and can never be rep laced. This is the power of a story and how stories create a framework for understanding the world around us. When we tell stories to others that have really helped us shape our thinking and way of life, we can have the same effect on them too. The power of stories identifies who we are and who we are going to be, no matter what cultures we have or what religion we believe. We are not born to know everything. All we know is from many stories that have been told over and over again.The message of seeing a culture or people from many different points of view, or from many different stories, rings true once you spend time actually there in person. We have all experienced this, and might even be unaware of the line between what we believe to be true and what is actually authentic. As educated adults, it is sometimes difficult to get our news from various sources and perspectives. We can seek out stories on-line, speak with people from both sides and analyze issued using various sources to gain understanding of many angles that compose a subject.We all need to open our eyes and look at the whole picture not the single story, since stories can create power that push us into a dangerous situation. Works Cited Adichie, Chimamanda. â€Å"The Danger of the Single Story. †TED Talk, 2008. King, Thomas. â€Å"The truth about Stories. †Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 2005. Widrich, Leo. â€Å"The Science of Storytelling: Why Telling a Story is the Most Powerful Way to Activate Our Brains. †Communication, what storytelling does to our brains, Dec 5, 2012.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Mid Semester exam
It's not a noise that you usually hear coming from a hospital room. â€Å"Ha ha ha! He heel†You open the door to see twelve patients – all sick, several in wheelchairs – tickling each other with long balloons and laughing as hard as it's possible to laugh. Joining in with the fun is Dry Tim Crick, and this is his weekly session of laughter therapy at Leeds City Hospital. The aim of these 30-minute sessions is not only to help patients forget that they are sick, according to Dry Crick: â€Å"Laughter gives the lungs and the muscles a good workout, which Is Important In long-term patients.But more than this. I believe that laughter can actually speed up recuperation from sickness. †Laughter therapy's recent history begins in the asses, when writer Norman Cousins described in Anatomy of an Illness how he used comedy films to successfully give himself some relief from a painful medical condition. This promoted academics to begin looking at the physiological effects of laughter. The spread of therapeutic â€Å"laughter clubs†began In India In the asses with Dry Madman Astral, who began taking patients for sessions In a public park.So Is there any science behind the claims that laughter speeds recovery? Certainly, it triggers a range of reactions in the body. Some studies have shown that the ability to use and respond to humor may raise the level of infection-fighting antibodies, and boost the level of immune cells. A recent study with diabetics showed that laughter helped control blood sugar levels. And research at the University of Maryland showed that laughter helped blood flow by keeping blood vessels relaxed.For Dry Crick, It is In laughter's ability to relax s that Its healing power lies. After a good laugh. Our muscles relax. Our mind stops focusing on pain or negative thoughts, and endorphins start to flow in our brains. It puts the body in a situation where it can begin to heal itself. When we are healthy we can achieve this state through physical exercise, social contact, and on- things that are more difficult when you are n hospital. Laughter, in the same way as music, can bring relaxation into the wards. While many are doubtful about the scientific basis of laughter therapy, It would be Impossible for even the most extreme septic to watch these helve patients In Leeds laugh until tears run down their faces without thinking, â€Å"this is doing them good. †Questions: 1- Read the text and answer the following questions: 1. In what two ways is laughter good for patients, according to Dry Tim Crick? Laughter therapy session held? †3. Why might laughter help diabetics? Ã'› 2. Where were the 1st 4. How does laughter help fight infections, according to some studies? 2- Match the highlighted words In the text with the meanings below: a.Designed to effect that you are trying to achieve: c Makes something begin to happen: †3- Fill in the blanks with the comparative or superlative f orms of the adjectives: a. Aspirin is (strong) painkiller we've got, I'm afraid. B. Can I do anything to make you feel (well) ? C. Moving around is getting (hard) to do. D. Injection is (fast) way to administer pain relief. E. He is (weak) †he was yesterday. F. For children, thinking about the injection is (frightening) the pain itself. 4- Complete the questions in the dialogue: Nurse: When did the symptoms first appear? Patient: About a year.Nurse: Why (you/not come) to see me? Patient: At the time I wasn't very worried. Nurse: And (the symptoms/ get worse) †7 Patient: Yes, they started to get worse about a month ago. Nurse: I see, and (you/ take) any medication since then? Patient: I went to see a homeopath and he prescribed these pills. Nurse: I see. (You/ your mouth wide and say â€Å"ah†? – Ah. Nurse: Good, can open) †and (what/ happen) when you took the pills? Patient: This rash appeared. (You/ can see) it on my back? Nurse: Yes, I see. SO, ( there was) any improvement when you took the pills? Patient: No
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Living Independently Essays - Adolescence, Educational Psychology
Living Independently Essays - Adolescence, Educational Psychology Living Independently In European countries children after they are 18 are supposed to live on their own. ESSAY: | - Nowadays there are a lot of people who claim that young adults must live apart from their family. But it causes lots of controversies. And whether teens must leave their home or not is a crucial question. In my way of thinking, teenagers should live on their own and parents must teach their children from this age to live independently. First of all , if we do not do it do not move out from parents home, we cannot solve problems in adults' life. Moreover, living by oneself means freedom of the chose. For example, you can do whatever you want and whenever you want. However, there are people who consider that it has a lot of disadvantages . They think that living apart from family can have a negative influence on teenagers' behavior. They can start drinking, smoking and so on. It is true to a certain degree, but what the opponents fail to mention is that usually young adults just have not enough money to do it. To conclude, I strongly believe it will be better if teens are up to think and prepare for adult's life, because as an old saying goes: as you make your bad, so you lie on it.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Rules for Japanese Letter Format
Rules for Japanese Letter Format The difference between written language and conversational language in Japanese is much greater than in English. Japanese letters often use classical grammar patterns which are seldom used in conversation. Although there are no particular rules when writing to close friends, there are many set expressions and honorific expressions (Keigo) used in formal letters. A conversational style is not usually used when writing formal letters. Opening and Closing Words The opening and closing words in letters, which are similar to Englishs Dear and Sincerely etc., come in pairs. Haikei æ‹ å•“ - Keigu æ• ¬Ã¥â€¦ ·The most common pair used in formal letters. Women sometimes use Kashikoã ‹ã â€"ã “ as a closing word instead of Keigu.Zenryaku å‰ ç• ¥ - Sousou è ‰ã€…This pair is less formal. It is usually used when you dont have time to write a long letter, so that the preliminary greetings are omitted. Zenryaku literally means, omitting the preliminary remarks. Preliminary Greetings Ogenki de irasshaimasu ka. (very formal)ã Šå…Æ'æ °â€"㠧ã „ら㠣ã â€"ã‚Æ'㠄㠾㠙㠋。Have you been doing well? Ogenki desu ka.ã Šå…Æ'æ °â€"㠧㠙㠋。Have you been doing well? Ikaga osugoshi de irasshaimasu ka. (very formal)ã „ã ‹ã Å'ã Šé Žã â€Ã£ â€"㠧ã „ら㠣ã â€"ã‚Æ'㠄㠾㠙㠋。How have you been? Ikaga osugoshi desu ka.ã „ã ‹ã Å'ã Šé Žã â€Ã£ â€"㠧㠙㠋。How have you been? Okagesama de genki ni shite orimasu. (very formal)㠊㠋㠒㠕㠾㠧å…Æ'æ °â€"㠫ã â€"㠦㠊り㠾㠙。Fortunately Im doing well. Kazoku ichidou genki ni shite orimasu.Ã¥ ® ¶Ã¦â€" ä ¸â‚¬Ã¥ Å'å…Æ'æ °â€"㠫ã â€"㠦㠊り㠾㠙。The whole family is doing well. Otegami arigatou gozaimashita.ã Šæ‰‹ç ´â„¢Ã£ ‚ã‚Šã Å'㠨ã †ã â€Ã£ â€"㠄㠾ã â€"㠟。Thank you for your letter. Nagai aida gobusata shite orimashite moushiwake gozaimasen. (very formal)é• ·Ã£ „éâ€"“ã â€Ã§â€ž ¡Ã¦ ²â„¢Ã¦ ± °Ã£ â€"㠦㠊り㠾ã â€"㠦熳ã â€"è ¨ ³Ã£ â€Ã£ â€"㠄㠾㠛ん。I apologize for neglecting to write for such a long time. Gobusata shite orimasu.ã â€Ã§â€ž ¡Ã¦ ²â„¢Ã¦ ± °Ã£ â€"㠦㠊り㠾㠙。Im sorry I havent written for a long time. These expressions or seasonal greetings can be combined in a variety of ways to form the preliminary greeting. The Japanese have long admired the seasonal changes, therefore it seems too abrupt to start a letter without the proper seasonal greeting. Here are some examples. Gobusata shite orimasu ga, ogenki de irasshaimasu ka.ã â€Ã§â€ž ¡Ã¦ ²â„¢Ã¦ ± °Ã£ â€"㠦㠊り㠾ã ™ã Å'〠㠊å…Æ'æ °â€"㠧ã „ら㠣ã â€"ã‚Æ'㠄㠾㠙㠋。Im sorry I havent written for a long time, but have you been doing well? Sukkari aki rashiku natte mairimashita ga, ikaga osugoshi de irasshaimasu ka.㠙㠣ã ‹ã‚Šç §â€¹Ã£â€šâ€°Ã£ â€"ã 㠪㠣㠦㠾ã „り㠾ã â€"ã Ÿã Å'〠㠄㠋ã Å'ã Šé Žã â€Ã£ â€"㠧ã „ら㠣ã â€"ã‚Æ'㠄㠾㠙㠋。It has become very autumn like; how have you been? Samui hi ga tsuzuite orimasu ga, ikaga osugoshi desu ka.Ã¥ ¯â€™Ã£ „æâ€" ¥Ã£ Å'ç ¶Å¡Ã£ „㠦㠊り㠾ã ™ã Å'〠㠄㠋ã Å'ã Šé Žã â€Ã£ â€"㠧㠙㠋。Cold days continue; how have you been? Final Greetings Douka yoroshiku onegai itashimasu.㠩㠆㠋よ゠ã â€"ã ã Šé ¡ËœÃ£ „ã â€"㠾㠙。Kindly look after this matter for me. ~ ni yoroshiku otsutae kudasai.㠫よã‚ ã â€"ã ã Šä ¼ ã ˆã ã ã •ã „。Please give my regards to ~. Minasama ni douzo yoroshiku.皆æ §ËœÃ£ «Ã£ ©Ã£ †ã žã‚ˆã‚ ã â€"ã 。Please give my regards to everyone. Okarada o taisetsu ni.ã Šä ½â€œÃ£â€šâ€™Ã¥ ¤ §Ã¥Ë†â€¡Ã£ «Ã£â‚¬â€šPlease take care of yourself. Douzo ogenki de.㠩㠆㠞㠊å…Æ'æ °â€"㠧。Take care of yourself. Ohenji omachi shite orimasu.ã Šè ¿â€Ã¤ ºâ€¹Ã£ Šå ¾â€¦Ã£ ¡Ã£ â€"㠦㠊り㠾㠙。I look forward to hearing from you.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Organizational Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1
Organizational Management - Essay Example One of the ways in which employees can be made happy is through employee motivation. This requires knowledge of the above mentioned disciplines and related theories. Due to its importance, employee motivation has been the subject of serious study by many theorists and scholars over a period of time. The objective of this research paper is to study employee motivation Research questions: Money is considered to be a motivating factor for all employees, but studies have indicated that they are motivated by other factors also. The research question in this study is given below. Literature review and methodology: A literature review will be done on the area. A methodology using primary and secondary data will also be used to substantiate the findings. A survey among the employees of the organization where this researcher is working as an administrative head will be conducted Human Resource Management is one of the most important topics of study in the organizational management today. The word organization was used because this area of study affects all types of organizations. They can be the government and government organizations, they can be organizations run for profit like corporations and companies and they can be run not-for profit. In each case managing of the human capital is important for the efficient functioning of the organizations. The field is a very vast one with elements of psychology, anthropology, economics, etc being included in the study. This paper forms a part of a research proposal that looks at HRM in general with regard to the career options of this writer. This writer is working as an administrative head in a large manufacturing organization that is planning to expand into international markets. The proposal will focus on a specific area of human resources management namely managing employee motivation which is an essential
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Financial strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Financial strategy - Essay Example The most important step in developing start up financial strategy is ‘to undertake a realistic evaluation of the financial alternative available and consider the impact of capital source selection will have on the development and ultimate contours of the company.(Richard D Harroch and Gregory c Smith, page 703)2 It is also important that financial needs of the firm should be evaluated overtime. Every business requires two types of finances at the startup. One is long term finance and other is short term finance. Long term finances are required to meet long term plans of business. ‘Long term plans are part of an integrated strategy that, along with production and marketing plans, guides the firm toward strategic goals. Those long term plans consider proposed outlay for fixed assets, research and development activities, marketing and development actions, capital structure, and major source of financing.’ (Lawrence J Gitman, page 115)3 Finances required for long term plans are not invested all at once at start of the business but gradually over time. Basic sources of long term finance requirements are equity contributions of the ownership and debt capital. Strategy to obtain long term finance from equity or debt capital is matter of overall policy of the company and depends a lot on expected rate of return of investments in total assets of the company. This is because there is a difference in raising fund as equity capital and debt capital. The main difference is that debt investors into the business of the firm are entitled to contractual set of cash flows (interest and capital), whereas equity investors have a claim on the residual cash flows of the firm, after the company has satisfied all other claims and liabilities. Interest paid on debt capital represent a tax- deductible expense, whereas dividend paid to equity investors has to come out of profits after tax. Debts have a fixed maturity
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Personal Identity and the Self Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Personal Identity and the Self - Essay Example Who am I? What am I? Have you ever wondered and kept on thinking about this mysterious question. You would have come across many answers like you are alive because of your brain or you are surviving because of physical existence of your body But does one really think he is just his body, or just alive due to the grey matter situated in the crown of his head. No this seems so absurd, at least for me. I am really convinced that I am only the soul. Soul is that minute particle of energy which is much lighter and smaller than atom and which gives me the immortal life that no death can conquer. I cannot be the brain for the very reason that when my brain stop working my breathe goes on. Same way, when my body is paralyzed I still keep on living. When seeing from both the angle of body and brain, the thing which keep me alive and blissful is my soul, my eternal soul. This concept of soul can be alien to many, but it is one truth which is eternal and divine. It is not right to say that we a re body, or we are alive because of brain as these are just instruments which give our soul chance to perform its duty on this earthly plane. Soul is the part of the God, but still separate from God, and has a motive of merging with God at end of its life cycle. We were created from God and have to merge with God after taking birth in different forms and times. Body and brain is nothing but some physical instrument which gives us reasoning and decision making powers. It may be surprising to many, if I tell you that we had to take many forms like plants, animals and human to complete our life cycle and ultimately merge with the divine. Yes, we survived through many years and strayed in many forms and eventually we get enlightened and get salvation. According to (Jerrry,1978,pg .3) â€Å"Survival means surviving no more no less. I have no doubts that I shall merge with beings, plants will take root in my remains, and the chemical that I am will continue to make their contribution to life†. This cycle goes on, until the soul in our self gets brightened and purified to join with the divine power. It is our aim, to find God in our self and understand it and nurture it and then surrender it to Divine power. We cannot be the body, how can I be the body? If then if my leg gets amputed then I should cease to exist. Does it happen? No, it won’t. If my whole body gets paralyzed until my neck, I keep on speaking .So what is keeping me alive, yes it is the soul undoubtedly. It is hidden in our body, and can be reached only by long lasting meditation and submerging in ultimate self. It very well cannot be the body, which keeps on changing according to the age and time. One may think what happens to this soul, once the body gets destroyed. Yes! This is a very valuable question and the answer is also valuable indeed. The soul never dies, never get destroyed and it remained as an immortal energy .The body is just a covering, a temple for the soul to reside, it re mains there witnessing all the actions of the body and mind. It lies in the body behind the subconscious mind and witnesses all the deeds good and bad. People don’t realize the soul because we are in the illusionary world, and this veil of ignorance keeps us away from the reality. The reality is only experienced when listen to the self and look inwards rather than outwards. If the self was just the body, then there would have been no purpose to this life. It is like we are here just to eat sleep and mating. We just need to give pleasures to the bodily organs and do not even have to look further for happiness and bliss. â€Å"A person’s â€Å"having a soul†is not, for example, a special form of possession or ownership .What we need to understand is that person’s â€Å"having a soul†is not a form of possession or ownership at all†(Rosenberg,1998,pg.58).Soul is the beholder of the body and the mind, and everything we think and do is witnessed by soul and affect the soul. Good deed and bad deed does make the soul pure or
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Improving the Accuracy of Arabic DC System
Improving the Accuracy of Arabic DC System The main goal of this research is to investigate and to develop the appropriate text collections, tools and procedures for Arabic document classification. The following specific objectives have been set to achieve the main goal: To investigate the impact of preprocessing tasks including normalization, stop word removal, and stemming in improving the accuracy of Arabic DC system. To introduce a novel technique for Arabic stemming in order to improve the accuracy of the document classification system. The new algorithm for Arabic stemming tries to overcome the deficiencies in state-of-the-art Arabic stemming techniques and dealing with MWEs, foreign Arabized words and handling the majority of broken plural forms to reduce them into their singular form. To use Arabic text summarization technique as feature reduction technique to eliminate the noise on the documents and select the most salient sentences to represent the original documents. To explore the impact of different feature selection techniques on the accuracy of Arabic document classification and proposes and implements a new variant of Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency (TFIDF) weighting methods that take into account the important of the first appearance of a word and the compactness of the word which can be taken as factors that determine the important features in the document. To implement various classifiers and compares their performances. 1.1.Problem Statement Despite the achievements in document classification, the performance of document classification systems is far from satisfactory. document classification tasks are characterized by natural languages. This means DC is closely related to natural language processing (NLP) which require knowledge of its subject matter. In general NL reveals many of syntactic and semantic ambiguities beside the complexities [45]. In the context of DC, a researcher tries to address various problems arising from characteristics of documents in the process of feature extraction and feature representation; or problems emanating from the classification algorithms. The following sections provide ideas on research problems. 1.1.1. Preprocessing Text Problem The preprocessing stage is a challenge and affects positively or negatively on the performance of any DC system. Therefore, the improvement of the preprocessing stage for highly inflected language such as the Arabic language will enhance the efficiency and accuracy of the Arabic DC system. In spite of the lack of standard Arabic morphological analysis tools most of the previous studies on Arabic DC have proposed the use of preprocessing tasks to reduce the dimensionality of feature vectors without comprehensively examining their contribution in promoting the effectiveness of the DC system. One of the challenges facing the researchers in Arabic document classification systems is the absence of a strong and an effective stemming algorithm. Arabic is morphologically a complex language [46], it uses both kinds of morphologies: inflectional and derivational morphologies. Based on these types of morphology, a single word may yield hundreds or even thousands of variant forms [47]. The impor tance of using the stemming technique in the documents classification lies in that it makes the processes less dependent on particular forms of words and reduces the highly dimensionality of the feature space, which, in turn, enhance the performance of the classification system. In spite of the rapid research conducted in other languages, Arabic language still suffers from the shortages of researchers and development. The state-of-the-art Arabic stemmers suffer from high stemming error-rates due to its understemming errors, overstemming errors, ignored the handling of multiword expressions (MWEs), broken plural forms, and Arabized words. Therefore, the limitations of the current Arabic stemming methods have motivated this author to investigate a novel technique for Arabic stemming to be used in the extraction of the word roots of Arabic language in order to improve the accuracy of the document classification system in chapter 5. 1.1.2. Highly Dimensionality of the Feature Space Extremely high dimensional features paces and large volumes of data problems occur in automatic document classification. High dimensionality problems arise because the number of features used in the classification process increases along with dimensionality of the feature vectors[13, 15, 48, 49]. Practical examples show that the number of features consisting the dimensionality could amount to thousands. A large number of features are irrelevant to the classification task and can be removed without affecting the classification accuracy for several reasons: First, the performance of some classification algorithms is negatively affected when dealing with a high dimensionality of features. Second, an over-fitting problem may occur when the classification algorithm is trained in all features. Finally, some features are common and occur in all or most of the categories [50]. In order to solve this problem, the feature vector dimensionality is required to be reduced without degradation of classification performance. It was important to extract the features with high discriminating power using various techniques. Text summarization, feature selection and feature weighting are common techniques and methods that are used in document classification to reduce the highly dimensionality of the feature space and to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the classification system. The term frequency (TF) weighted by inverse document frequency (IDF) which is abbreviated as TFIDF can partially solve the problem of variation in content and length in the documents but it cannot solve the problem of the distribution of the important words within the document. In general, the document is written in an organized manner to describe its main topic(s). For example, the main topic for news articles may mentions at the title and the first part of the document to draw the attention of the reader. Therefore, depending on the location, the document parts may have different degrees of contribution to the documents main topic(s) [51]. In this thesis, we propose new feature weighting methods that treat the problem of the distribution of the important words within the document in chapter 6. In order to satisfy the objectives stated in this research, the research questions of this study can be summarized as: What are the impact of text preprocessing techniques such as normalization, stop word removal, and stemming in improving the performance of Arabic DC system? What are the available Arabic text preprocessing methods to be implemented in this research? What are their advantages and disadvantages? How to compare and improve their performance in order to improve the accuracy of the Arabic documents classification system? What are the Impact of feature reduction techniques on Arabic document classification? How to overcome the problem of the highly dimensionality of the feature space and the difficulty of selecting the important features for understanding the document? Which classification algorithms have the best performance when applied on different representations of Arabic dataset? 1.2.Research Contribution This research focuses on exploring different preprocessing techniques, dimensionality reduction techniques and investigating their effect on Arabic document classification performance. More specifically, the main contributions of this thesis are as follows: Demonstrate that using preprocessing task such as normalization, stop word removal, and stemming for Arabic datasets have a significant impact on the classification accuracy, especially with complicated morphological structure of the Arabic language. Furthermore, we demonstrate that choosing appropriate combinations of preprocessing tasks provides significant improvement on the accuracy of document classification depending on the feature size and classification techniques. In this thesis, we propose a novel stemmer for Arabic documents classification. The proposed stemmer attempts to overcome the weaknesses of root-based stemming technique and light stemming technique, in addition to dealing with the majority of broken plural forms, MWEs, and foreign Arabized words. We compare the proposed stemmer with the well-known Arabic stemmers, including root-base stemming (Khoja stemmer) and light stemming (Larkey stemmer), to study its contribution in improving the classification system. The comparison is carried out for different datasets, classification techniques, and performance measures. Demonstrate that using document summarization technique help to improve the efficiency of Arabic document classification by reducing the highly dimensionality of the feature space without affecting the value or content of documents, then saving the memory space and execution time for documents classification process. In this thesis, we investigate the impact of different feature selection techniques, namely, Information gain (IG), Goh and Low (NGL) coefficients, Chi-square Testing (CHI), and Galavotti-Sebastiani-Simi Coefficient (GSS) that have a significant impact on reducing the dimensionality of feature space and thus improve the performance of Arabic document classification system. In this thesis, we investigate the impact of feature representation schemas on the accuracy of Arabic document classification. The document usually consists of several parts and the important features that more closely associated with the topic of the document are appearing in the first parts or repeated in several parts of the document. Therefore, the proposed weighting methods take into account the important of the first appearance of a word and the compactness of the word which can be taken as factors that determine the important features in the document. Unfortunately, there is no free benchmarking dataset for Arabic documents classification. One of the aims of this research is to compile dataset for Arabic documents classification that cover different text genres which will be used in this research and can be used in the future as a benchmark for computation linguistics researches including text mining, information retrieval. The dataset collected from several published papers for Arabic document classification and from scanning the well-known and reputable Arabic websites. Compiling freely and publically available corpora is advancement step on the field of Arabic document classification.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The German World of Disappointment :: Essays Papers
The German World of Disappointment From the youngest child to the oldest man, everyone has experienced the unpleasant feeling of disappointment. Everyone has been to a place that was not all that they anticipated it to be. No one can say that someone has never somehow let them down. At one point or another, everyone has been disappointed in something they have purchased. And what child is not heart-broken when he learns there is no Santa Claus? Whether it is in a person, thing, place, or idea, disappointment can be the most devastating and hurtful feeling people face. Disappointment is an experience that the German people, especially, have had to live through. The German writer, Heinrich Boll, uses his story â€Å"Pale Anna†to illustrate the universal experience of disappointment, an experience his countrymen are very familiar with, through both literature and history. When a long-lost German soldier returns to his hometown five years after World War II has ended, he returns to a place that is familiar, but everyone he knows is gone. His new landlady constantly asks him if he knew her dead son. She talks endlessly about her dearly departed son’s life and shows him again and again all the pictures of her son. The final picture that was taken of the landlady’s son was of him at his job as a streetcar conductor. All the other occasions that the soldier had seen it he reminisced about his own time spent at that particular terminus. He remembers the pop stand, the trees, the villa with the golden lions, and especially a girl that he thought of often during the war that always boarded the streetcar at that terminus. The soldier never recognizes any of the people in the picture until he had been there for three weeks and then he sees the girl in the streetcar. The landlady tells him that the girl was her son’s fiancà ©e and th at she is living in the room next to his. Pale Anna is what they always call her because of her extremely white face, but her face was unrecognizably destroyed when she was thrown through a window by a bomb blast. The soldier returns to his room and tries unsuccessfully to imagine Anna’s face being anything else but beautiful, even with scars. He thinks about his past romances and remembers them as complete disappointments.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Family Therapy Essay
The whole issue of preferred family structure in the United States is complex with potential debates ranging from human rights issues to personal preferences and compliance with societal requirements. Several issue under lies this interest in a human context. For instance, the perception that the nuclear family is the best family structure which should feature in all human societies and is the only family structure that can fulfill the requirements and functions of a family is facing a lot of challenges in the modern society (McGoldrick, & Carter, 2005) this paper is written. It identifies and discusses the reasons why single parented family is more preferable to nuclear family in the United States. Nuclear family is defined as a traditional family which is made up of father, mother and children (McGoldrick, & Carter, 2005). It was traditionally conceived after marriage and developed ties across generation to an extended family, which accommodated cousins, uncles, aunts and grand parents. The nuclear family is associated with many advantages which range from emotional to social and economical support. However, numerous studies indicate that in the recent past, the nuclear family structure has lost the originality and substance it deserved and alternative family structures are becoming more prevalent (McGoldrick, & Carter, 2005). Several proposals have been put forth to explain this transformation top on the list being high divorce rates, same sex marriages and adoption of children. Current sociological statistics shows that nuclear family is losing prevalent in the United States because of its inadequacy to accommodate the diversified modern family arrangements. Available research shows that single parent family structure is increasingly high and 75% of all children in the United States spend a considerable amount of their life time in a single family (Stebbins, 2001). In a single family, there is only one parent in the family raising the children. In many a time, single parent family consists of a mother and the children. But to avoid being branded a feminist, the author of this paper finds it important to mention here that the number of single male parents is on the hike and cannot be ignored in this discussion. Several reasons have been put forth to explain why many people in United States prefer single parent family structure. From available statistics, many of the single parents are women who have never been married (Stebbins, 2001). The modern society has given women equal opportunities to pursue their careers. This is evidenced by the increasingly high number of women who have excelled in different careers including the male dominated ones. These women spend a considerable amount of their life time nurturing their careers to a point where if they have to wait until they get a potential partner, it mate be late for them to bear children. Advance in technology has enable women to bear children in absence intimacy with there male partners through artificial insemination (Sharp, & Yarber, 2010). They are given a chance to select a male partner who is willing to father the child without being emotionally attached. They raise the children according to their plans, values and standards and they stands to benefit from their parenting effort. The high rate of divorce in the United States has contributed heavily to the increased number of single parent families (Stebbins, 2001). Psychological research result indicates that conflict between parents creates the worst environment for the well being of children. Children built their characters from their parents and therefore domestic violence, for instance is emotionally and psychologically destructive to the children. Divorce and hence single family gives a solution to this problem and may guarantee the children a good future. Available information shows that despite the emotional feelings of loneliness, single parent families have many opportunities for the growth of children than in a two parent family (McGoldrick, & Carter, 2005). References McGoldrick, M., & Carter, B. (2005). The Expanded Family Life Cycle: Individual, Family, and Social Perspectives. Boston, Massachusetts: Allyn and Bacon. Sharp, P., & Yarber, A. (2010). Focus on Single-Parent Families: past, present, and Future. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO. Stebbins, L. (2001). Work and Family in America: A Reference Handbook. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Geopolitics and globalization Essay
Geopolitics is a field of study that is responsible for analyzing history, geography and social science with a special reference to spatial politics through patterns of various scales, ranging from state to international levels. It gives a critical examination of economic and political issues in relation geographical frontiers. In this context, geography is defined in terms of function, size, location and relationship of resources and places. Traditionally, geopolitics indicates causal relationships and links between geographic space and political power. It is seen as a concrete line of thought used to essay specific and strategic prescriptions that lay their basis on the relative significance of sea power and land power in the history of the world (Gearnoid, 1998, pp. 33). The consistent concerns of the geopolitical tradition included the relationships between terrestrial and naval capabilities, the identification of international core areas and the geopolitical correlates of power in the world of politics. Geopolitics were conducted through a geopolitical system, that was seen as an ensemble of relations between the interests focused to an area, international political factors, ways, geographical elements and space. Geopolitics is a branch of political geography concerning the assessment of reciprocal relations between politics, geography and power as well as the interactions that arise from their combination. It is therefore a scientific discipline with a basic science nature (Klauds, 2000, pp. 12). Radically, contemporally use of geopolitics deviates from the original use in the 19th century. Originally, geopolitics served as a reflection of international affairs under a strong influence by social Darwinism. Under this, there was a limited significance of international law, global norms and multilateralism all of which signaled realist view of international affairs cynically. The concept currently denotes interplay of geographic space, strategic dominance and natural resources. In connection to earlier usage of the term, its growing use brings on board the need to reflect on the rise of multipolarity in the early 21st century and the renaissance of great power rivalry (Neil, 2005, pp. 23). As the world is changing, there has been great pressure upon traditional or old systems of societal governance and operation. This has been a movement towards globalization, a state where different social setups, economies, technocrats and political affiliates interact, share ideas, problems, challenges and experiences. A globalized society understands, anticipates and advocates for freedom and rights. Globalization encompasses the preaching of rights, justice, freedom, and peace continued support of masses and majority rule to citizens in promoting their own morality related believes. Through interaction, global community has become one society with commonalities in political, social, economic, cultural and technological beacons. Through the process, ideologies of many communities have been alignment towards the same point in both material and non material concerns of life. This change has influenced the original interpretation and applicability of geopolitics limiting the role it initially played (Agnew, 2003, pp. 45). Globalization is therefore premier buzzwords in 21st century, referring to a world which is stretched, interdependent, integrated, shrunk, interwoven, connected and less territorially segmented into various cultural and economic zones. Due to the above description, it is seen as shorthand towards economic liberalism spontaneously adopted by governments of the world, as a social modernization scaled up from national to whole world status with time and also as an economic technological process through the compression of time and space, highly challenging geopolitics (Gearnoid, 1998, pp. 34). Since globalization and geopolitics aspects show some degree of compatibility regardless of the time factor, globalization is of late seen to replace geopolitics. Geopolitics was seen as an issue concerning great powers and empires imposing territorial control to various boundaries whereas globalization is a world that knows no boundaries. This means that globalization has geopolitical roots. Globalization represents a stark break of the geopolitics of the cold war (Brunn, 2004, pp. 20). The free world economy was started during the cold war, through the mantra of the new globalizing economy. Globalization has initiated a new regime of market access through a revolutionary process by international organizations including WTO, GATT, World Bank and IMF. These institutions have aided in departing from geopolitics through enforcement of radical economic liberalism. As a result a new economic geography has emerged, characterized by tension towards continued regulation of economic activities and a world economy with organized flow of goods and capital in locations that are widely scattered. Therefore as geopolitics decay in the current society, there is significant aspiration towards a higher level of global economic development. (http://www. informationclearinghouse. info/article11747. htm) Through globalization, the geographical logic of the world has changed by addressing the disparities between the territorial and interactional modes of capitalism organization. Globalization does not only reshuffle geopolitics in its nature of globality, but through the combination of global networks and localized territorial fragmentation. Geopolitics era structured the world economy into territorial entities such as colonial empires, states and geopolitical spheres of influence (Greer, 2000, pp. 30). In another perspective, globalization is not seen to mark the end of geopolitics but reform it. The main novelty today is the role of economic prosperity, underdevelopment of cross-border flows, networks linking nation to hinderlands and the increased differentiations between regions and localities because of the existing biases along the spatial channel. This clearly shows that globalization has no marked the end of geopolitics, but entails its reformulation from an economic mapping based on territories to a more complex mosaic of states, localities, global city regions and regions differentially integrated into the global economy. This means there exists geopolitics of contemporally globalization concerning the operational and originality structure. To indicate that globalization has not marked the end of geopolitics, social and political boundaries have not disappeared but are in a process of reconstitution along and across long established ones (Larrabee, 2003, pp. 12). Geopolitics was hegemonic in nature. For many years, geopolitics has been known to limit political and economic influence of many countries through dividing the world into territorial empires and trading blocs. The limitation was facilitated through enactment and enforcement of powerful strains to minimize the involvement in political affairs and foreign economic affairs. Geopolitics was highly supported by the autarkic dogmas of soviet communism and competitive trading blocs which were partly blamed for the great depressions of the 1930s. After the Second World War, a strong internationalist American agenda was brought in to counterpoint the effects of the communistic societies by sponsoring international investments, currency convertibility and free trade. This effort towards a free world order provided the groundwork to internationalization of global activities. According to this explanation, we can say that geopolitics laid down the groundwork to globalization. On the other hand, Globalization can thus be said to be a kind of geopolitics that has undergone transition within time and spatial dimensions (Heymann, 2005, pp. 67). Twentieth century economic globalization has been linked to two issues that indicate the linkage between geopolitics and globalization. These issues were both political and economic because they aimed at promoting as realization of continental expansion and later to global expansion in political, economic and social spheres. First, expansion of market was viewed as a necessity towards social well being and national political well being. Second, economic liberty or independence was viewed as the foundation for freedom per se. these views opened a new page as far as geopolitics is concerned (Buqajski, 2002, pp. 43). Early in the 21st century America underwrote continental expansion but stimulated foreign market for their commodities. However, the power of the government to control private economic activities was limited by federal subunits and the divisions of power between the branches of federal government. Such branches included the congress, the presidency and the Supreme Court. This system depicts how firm and conservative geopolitics was. On the other hand it shows how globalization was challenged by the system of governance before starting to grow. Globalization was experiencing a pull apart scenario from tiers of government and federal branches. Down the years, the country and other several nations have extended their powers beyond continental to global frontiers. This means the role of geopolitics in modeling the system of governance is decreasing with time, but it shall not bet forgotten that it serves as the bottom line for change, the change being renamed as the globalization (Herd, 2002, pp. 65). For globalization to be completely explored, it is necessary to assess the role played by geopolitics in its structuring. This is because of the commonalities the two concepts have. Such process will involve comparison between hegemonic power against democracy or devolution. The regime makers in this changing world determine the speed, scope and nature of globalization, regarding how far they are free from geopolitics. The roots of geopolitics indicate the reforms in markets, concentration of political and economic power and hegemony (http://www. informationclearinghouse. info/article11747. htm). To show the current scenarios in issues of globalization and geopolitics, many media commenter, IPE scholars and policy makers criticize de territorial threats from Middle East on the failure to adjust and embrace globalization. This has forced United States of America to use force and bring Middle East to globalization through a slogan that disconnectedness defines a danger. The Middle East is claimed to lie centrally to a vast region that is disconnected to global flow of security, capital and people to sustain mutually assured dependence. Americans have claimed to be fighting geopolitics in the Middle East region. It is said that geopolitical imaginary in the Middle East is blind towards networks of transnational mobility across the region. The study and consideration of geopolitics in the region gives the micro foundations of globalization in the area. It is also widely believed that the rate of globalization is inversely related to extend of geopolitics (Gearnoid, 1998, pp. 35). Areas with high rate of geopolitics are thought to have low rates of globalization and vice versa, but none completely outdoes the other. This means both concepts are important for the involved elements around the globe to intermingle efficiently. This is built on pluralistic theory of globalization, stating that transnational processes and diverse global processes are heterogeneously shaped by agents and networks of alternative geopolitical imaginaries (Agnew, 2006, pp. 16). Specifically the way to globalization can be evaluated by considering the geopolitics of tourism since 2001 in the Middle East region. As opposed to many, tourism has significantly developed since then. Public and private sectors in tourism that initially focused on tourism from industrialized nations have redirected their efforts towards both domestic and regional tourist flow paving way to new, more regional and stylish tourist development. Today, new and emerging forms of regional Islamic tourism and Arabic tourism, propelled by oil income expansion and consumer behavior shifts have remapped globalization meaning in the region. Firms, states and various actors across Middle East are seeking negotiation on own interaction with global economy, promising to assert manipulation of their local spaces and territory and therefore define their itineraries of globalization (Klauds, 2000, pp. 19).
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