Monday, July 29, 2019

Communiction Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5

Communiction Theories - Essay Example Production of communication is on different levels with different kinds of individuals. When strangers meet for the first time, they do not know a lot about each other, they converse so that they can know each other better (Littlejohn & Foss 246). The individuals go through definite steps as well as checkpoints so that uncertainty can be diminished about one other and shape a thought of whether one individual likes or detests the other. Whatever one of the individuals says cannot ultimately be true and may leave the other individual with uncertainty. As individuals communicate they make plans to achieve their goals. These plans may include passive strategies by observing the individual, active strategies by asking other individuals about the personality or looking up information, and interactive strategies by making inquiries and self-disclosure. At extremely uncertain time’s individuals become more cautious and depend more on data presented in diverse circumstances, which they find truthful. When individuals do not have a lot of certainty they lose self-assurance, in their individual plans and put together contingency plans (Littlejohn & Foss 287). Elevated heights of uncertainty builds distance among individuals and non-verbal self-expression have a propensity to assist in the trim down of this uncertainty. Berger generates theorems by combining axioms to capitulate a predictable conclusion. For instance, if connection reduces uncertainty and diminished uncertainty elevates liking, then it is obvious that connection and liking are optimistically interconnected. This can be proved because this correlation exists in extensively reputable findings in studies on interpersonal

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